Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Don't get too excited that I'm posting twice in one night...this is only an announcement.  Tonight we had some visitors from Lutheran Church Charities who are here to take pictures and videos among other things in order to promote trips like ours.  We were able to record some video testimonies that they are going to post on the website which is: www.lutheranchurchcharities.org 

So, the point of this mini-post is: go to the website and check out our videos and spread the word because like I mentioned in mine (and I'm sure the others mentioned it as well), this is an experience of a lifetime and it is something that I urge everyone to do if possible. You won't regret it.


  1. Megan, I'm Dave Kuehn's daughter. Thanks for posting this blog so we can follow what you all are experiencing down there. Sounds incredible. Tell my Dad hi for me! :) - Alli Culp

  2. it's telling me i need a password to look at the pix...help!
