Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I can see the layer of dust and dirt forming on top of my keyboard because instead of showering right away when we come home I always blog. 

To answer a reader's burning questions: The weather here is unreal. It is so tropical (the picture that I attached for my blog page is the view from our balcony, just fyi).  It gets up in the 80s during the day and cools off nicely at night. If you all are green with envy, I don't blame you.  In regards to who will live in the houses that we are building: there is a committee at the church who decides what families get the houses.  The criteria for qualification is that the family must be homeless (that sounds horrible to say, but in order for them to receive a house they must either have no home or live in a tent); if the decision is between a family without children and one with, then the family with children will get a house; basically the decision is circumstantial.  There is a group of workers that has been hired to work with us by the church, so there are no family members helping us build.  However, we do have a large number of volunteers who have been hanging around the worksite since Monday and are very eager to jump in and help us out.  They are all very helpful and we all appreciate what they have been doing for us.  And in terms of DeeDee's diet...she's eating well, as are the rest of us.  Like kings and queens actually.  Hopefully we all don't return having gained weight...but there's really no telling!  Sandy-I hope that answered all of your questions! Please don't hesitate to ask more.

Okay-we've made it over the hump (in terms of working days).  I think that each day is a little hotter than the one before, but not unbearable.  I talked to a friend that I met the first day at the work site, his name is Kola (spelling??), and asked him what the weather is like in Haiti during the summer and he said, "Well, some people say it is scorching." I'm really glad we are here now...Three houses are currently in progress (I may have mentioned that early, so I apologize).  One house has the re-bar installed all around the perimeter and today they started filling in the re-bar section with concrete.  In order to do so, they install 2 wooden boards on either side of the wall to create a box and then fill it with concrete and let it set. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope I didn't detract from your planned blog entry with my pesky queries. I appreciate you for answering them so wonderfully. From his FB, it sounds like everyone needs to give Pastor a hug. To steal a phrase my favorite blog writer: I'm really glad you all are there now too. ~Sandy B.
