Thursday, January 12, 2012


Yesterday morning my dad and I had the pleasure of visiting Stevenson's house. (it was the second time for me)  Around 10:30 we followed Stevenson down to what was the tent city last year, so that he could show my dad his home and then get ready for school.  Now I've noticed that when Stevenson gets excited his voice gradually gets higher.  As he opened the door to his house I heard him squeal, "You see my house!!!!!" Although I couldn't see his face, I can only imagine the huge smile that was probably spread across it.  He showed my dad his backpack, which was in his room.  The day before when I came to his house with a bigger group he didn't show us his room.  My dad asked if the room was his and he said, yes, he and his sister shared it.  I couldn't correctly tell you how big it was but you can imagine that it wasn't big enough for two people.  I believe that what he and his sister sleep on is no thicker than one inch, if that, but by god was he proud of it.  It brought tears to my eyes, yet again.  We shared "god things" again after dinner yesterday and someone brought up how they were struck by the immense faith that the Haitian people have and how easy it is to tell that they are so close with God.  I thought to myself, maybe it is because they don't have so many things to get in the way of their relationship with God.  There aren't an abundance of computers, cars, houses, material possessions, etc., that take over their lives therefore they don't act as a distraction to them.  However, what they do have is an extreme pride in being Haitian, something that is so obvious and so remarkable. 

The rooster next door roused me from my bed about fifteen minutes ago (5am) so I decided to come up to the roof and write from here while I enjoy the Haitian sunrise.  Today marks the 2nd anniversary of the earthquake and we've heard that there is a huge parade/street ceremony this afternoon that we'll hopefully attend.  So, more to come.

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