Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Many of you know about my beloved Roberto.  If you don't, you will after this post.  Roberto, who is pictured on the right in my profile pic on facebook, was one of the people I met last year in Haiti.  He, Douge, and I became very close and since I've been back I think I've asked every single person where he is.  I was feeling a little bratty the last few days because he was the only person I hadn't reunited with.  This morning we hopped into the van and I asked Sydney where we were going and she told us back to the old work site.  Well needless to say I got very anxious and played out in my head what I would do if Roberto happened to be there.  We got out of the van and I looked into the distance and saw two guys but couldn't quite tell who they were.  One was taller than the other, but I was looking straight into the sun so I wasn't sure if it was Douge and Roberto or if I was just staring at strangers.  I walked towards them and realized it was them!  I struggled to run across the rocks to hug Roberto just like I planned out in my head.  Neither of us could think of anything to say....keep in mind I had to translate everything I was thinking into Spanish and with all of that adrenaline pumping through my veins, I was speechless at that point.  He met everyone else and said hi to those he already knew.  A bunch of us took a walk down the hill to the former tent city and he and I caught up on everything we missed out on in the last year.  I was overjoyed (and still am) to say the least.  We met up with Stevenson and he invited us to see his house.  He was so happy to show Erin and I, and everyone else, where he lived and even brought out the backpack that I gave him to show me!  It felt so good to be back at the work site.  Being back has exceeded all of my expectations thus far and I can't describe how extremely thankful I am to be here. 

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